Monday, November 30, 2009

rain poem

since today is cruddy in D.C. I will tell you a poem my big sister sang when she was little."rain rain go away,  Cupcake!" I know it sounds like a poem you have heard. Also the rain is filled with gas and other bad things. boo people.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Tis the season to have turkey again. Everybody have a happy turkey day! If your going some where be safe.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


today I feel like talking about wildlife habitats.  the ever  glades is a big one and it houses  many things like plant life frogs and lizards. then there are these snakes that some how got in there and are now killing everything and messing every thing up.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

cool song

Hey people I decided to talk about something new today. There is this really cool song called fireflies by owl city

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

polluteing cars

Hey it's me, so when I was walking to school (yes I go to school!!) I saw this big traffic jam on river road and I thought that with all those cars keeping their engines on that it was going to pollute the air and they would have to go refill all their tanks and they would pollute more air and so on and so on. some people say getting a hybrid is good but the truth is when they're made that they release all these bad things into the air and it's just as bad as getting a regular car. But really don't get a hummer or a SUV because those things are just killing lots of trees.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

leaf blower

today when I was walking home I saw these guys blowing away leafs and mowing outside this house.
I was really mad because we had been talking about greenhouse gases in school and I thought that if the people would just rake the leafs and use a push mower it wouldn't pollute the air and make more greenhouse gases. I do that at home. so for all of you switch to an eco friendly way of clearing your lawn

Monday, November 16, 2009


The reason that i made this blog is that the tree next door was cut down. It was a perfectly good tree and was still living. it is a rental and the real owners wanted it cut down. And there are all these cruddy dead trees in the back. here is what they did.


Hey This is nature hero. I'm not going to reveal my name so just call me nature hero.
this is my first blog so feel free to write back.