Wednesday, November 18, 2009

polluteing cars

Hey it's me, so when I was walking to school (yes I go to school!!) I saw this big traffic jam on river road and I thought that with all those cars keeping their engines on that it was going to pollute the air and they would have to go refill all their tanks and they would pollute more air and so on and so on. some people say getting a hybrid is good but the truth is when they're made that they release all these bad things into the air and it's just as bad as getting a regular car. But really don't get a hummer or a SUV because those things are just killing lots of trees.


  1. Well if you moved to New York you could ride the subway. It's very eco friendly. Except it can also make you a little crazy. Like when the train doesn't show up for 30 minutes. Then you wish you were in a car, or even an SUV.

  2. interesting fact about hybrids:
    -while they may be better than other cars, the battery takes guess what?? you guessed it! ENERGY!!! to charge.... and to create that energy causes pollution and release of greenhouse gases

  3. The city should build a bike lane on River Rd. That would encourage people to get out of their cars
