Friday, December 4, 2009


Hey guess what? the tree that made me start this blog it's stump got grinded up so it will never grow back.
I think those owners are monsters and  if they got chopped down and grinded every body would be sad.
But when a tree gets  chopped down and grinded  nobody cares.  This is why I think the majority of the human  race is stupid.  when the world got created it was made so things could be equal. but for some reason humans don't care

1 comment:

  1. Amen!
    Some suggestions to better get to know trees-
    Remarkable Trees of the World by Thomas Pakenham.
    The Tree : a natural history of what trees are, how they live, and why they matter by Colin Tudge.
    C Is For Conifers by They Might Be Giants.
